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STS-97 - Update #1 - Outline Complete

OK really that’s a lie. But the reading is done (except for one optional source I might check out still) and all the relevant information is in the outline in a vaguely organized pile. Next I need to go through the outline and group stuff together in a better way and make sure the flow is right. Then all that’s needed is to actually write the episode. That’s actually sort of the easy part once the outline is good to go.

The main challenge on this episode is that there is a LOT of technical detail that is both a little tough to convey through audio but also just a lot of information. I think I have a good enough handle on it to smooth things over but it almost necessitates introducing and explaining the entire power system all at once. Figuring out what’s appropriate to leave to later episodes is sort of tricky.

This has been a very good week for getting podcast work done. I know better than to declare anything to be fixed or back to normal, but the work feels like it used to. I think part of it is that with Otakon looming next week, I absolutely have to get this episode done ASAP. It can’t linger into next week. And nothing motivates me like a good proper deadline.

But also, as I’ve mentioned in the Discord, I recently was accepted to a graduate program in aerospace engineering. I need to be able to ramp up my ability to simply sit down and get work done. I’ve allowed that to get rusty lately. The podcast can help me get that skill back, I think.

Anyway, it’s midnight here and I’m rambling. Outline’s done! Hooray! I’m going to bed!