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STS-98 - Update #2 - Nearing Completion

The script is now about 3/4 complete, weighing in at about 6500 words, and with just shy of 25 hours logged on the episode so far. I’ve been happy to see that converting the outline into the actual script has gone very smoothly, with only a little work required to shift stuff around.

Tomorrow is going to be too busy to finish the script and then record it, which means Monday or Tuesday are now more likely. It’s a bummer, and I don’t enjoy how long these episodes are taking, but as you can see by the hour count, I’m not just sitting around over here. There’s just so much to talk about, and it seems like it would be a bummer to say “and then they went on an EVA and hooked up the Laboratory module. Moving on..”

Anyway. Almost done! I’ll keep crunching along.