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The Space Above Us The Space Above Us


Episode 176: NASA-7 - The Last American (Thomas on Mir)
Andy Thomas’ four month stay on Mir will close out the American presence on the Russian space station. We also wonder what that burning smell is, do a bunch of EVAs, and wave farewell to “Ol’ Stinky” [Click for more..]
Episode 174: STS-87 - Stranded SPARTAN (USMP-4, SPARTAN mishap)
On STS-87 we’ve got a bunch of material science in the payload bay, a free-flying satellite, a camera that fell out of Star Wars, and 645,500 friends! We also get to the bottom of a significant mishap. [Click for more..]
Episode 173: NASA-6 Part 2 - Stuck Between a Hatch and a Cold Place (Wolf on Mir)
As Dave Wolf wraps up his stint on Mir we try to be efficient with our comms, try not to spill too much caffeine, and try not to get locked outside the station! [Click for more..]
Episode 172: NASA-6 Part 1 - Infinite Job List (Wolf on Mir)
After much deliberation on the ground, the verdict is that Dave Wolf will indeed remain on Mir for his full mission! So what does he do while he’s up there? And who’s that in the window? [Click for more..]
Episode 171: STS-86 - Does He Stay Or Does He Go Now? (Wolf to Mir)
Dave Wolf didn’t think he was going to Mir for another six months, but when Russia decides Wendy Lawrence is too short, schedules change. Though if Congress has anything to say about it, Wolf might not be going anywhere after all. [Click for more..]
Episode 168: NASA-5 Part 2 - The Specter of Progress (Foale on Mir)
New episode! In part 2 of our NASA-5 coverage, we’ll find out what the crew did next after surviving the immediate crisis following the Progress M-34 collision. Also, we’ll wonder why there’s so much water in Mir’s walls. [Click for more..]
Episode 167: NASA-5 Part 1 - A Crash Course in Long Duration Spaceflight (Foale on Mir)
New episode! Mike Foale’s stay on Mir for NASA-5 ended up being so eventful that I had no choice but to break it up into two parts. Thankfully, the same cannot be said for Mir after Progress M-34 comes knocking. [Click for more..]
Episode 164: STS-82 - No Trouble with Hubble (HST Servicing 2)
On STS-82 we’ve got another ground-up rendezvous on our hands. But instead of flying to Mir, we’ll be visiting our old friend the Hubble Space Telescope. It’s been a few years since STS-61 fixed its optical flaw, and it’s due for an upgrade! [Click for more..]
Episode 163: NASA-4 Part 2 - Close Call, Ethylene Glycol, and Secret Alcohol (Linenger on Mir)
When we last left Jerry Linenger, we still had most of his mission to cover! On this episode we’ve got space-bound contraband, a LEO version of ‘crisscross crash’, and a historical EVA. [Click for more..]
Episode 159: STS-80 - Space Jam (ORFEUS/WSF/Jammed Hatch)
On STS-80 we’ve got free-flying payloads, troublesome EVAs, a bunch of rats, and a reentry to remember. Strap in for the longest flight of the entire shuttle program! Don’t worry, we’ll step outside for a breath of fresh vacuum. [Click for more..]
Episode 152: STS-76 - Mirwalking (MEEP, Lucid to Mir)
On STS-76 the space shuttle finally shuttles someone to space, delivering Shannon Lucid to Mir. We’ll also goof off in the SPACEHAB tunnel, head outside, and have fun saying the word “MEEP”. [Click for more..]
Episode 149: STS-72 - Endeavour’s Hitchhiker (SFU, OAST-Flyer)
On STS-72 we’re going to deploy one spacecraft but retrieve two! We’ll also test out some new EVA techniques, bid farewell to a frequent flyer, and spin Koichi Wakata around until he stops smiling. [Click for more..]
Episode 146: STS-69 - Who Let the Dogs Back Out (Wake Shield Facility 2)
Endeavour is back on the launch pad with two payloads to both deploy and retrieve. One of those payloads looks a whole lot like a gigantic frisbee, something that would be sure to get the attention of any dog (or dog crew) nearby. [Click for more..]
Episode 133: STS-61 - Closing the Door on Spherical Aberration (HST Servicing 1)
The Hubble Space Telescope is in trouble. With the fate of the orbiting observatory, and maybe NASA itself, on the line, can the crew of STS-61 save the day? We’ll ride along in the latest episode of The Space Above Us. [Click for more..]
Episode 130: STS-51 - TOSsing ACTS (TOS/ACTS, ORFEUS-SPAS)
On STS-51 we’ve got a packed flight with an advanced communciation satellite, a new kick stage, the return of SPAS, an EVA and a sassy air traffic controller. I hope you don’t mind a little debris in the payload bay! [Click for more..]