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The Space Above Us The Space Above Us


Episode 189: STS-92 - Over and Under (ISS 3A: Z1 and PMA-3)
After a long wait for the crew (and audience!) STS-92 is finally here. We’ll be delivering the heart of the ISS external structure, the Z1 truss, as well as a new docking port, PMA-3. [Click for more..]
Episode 188: STS-106 - 2A or Not 2b (ISS Resupply 2A.2b)
On STS-106, we finally get to meet Zvezda, the Russian service module for the International Space Station. We also meet some new faces, decrypt some mission designations, move a bunch of equipment, and perform an EVA that may or may not be a milestone. [Click for more..]
Episode 186: STS-101 - Screens and Stations (ISS Resupply 2A.2a)
On STS-101 we’ve got a slick new cockpit to show off, a pile of launch delays, a ton or two of new equipment and supplies and some floppy disks in the payload bay. [Click for more..]
Episode 184: STS-103 - Y2K And I Feel Fine (Hubble Servicing 3A)
The Hubble Space Telescope couldn’t wait until the year 2000 for a visit, while the Space Shuttle’s computers couldn’t handle the year 2000 at all. With the clock ticking, will the crew of STS-103 be able to save the new year for scientists everywhere? [Click for more..]
Episode 182: STS-96 - Additional Supply Depots Required (ISS Resupply 2A.1)
On the first resupply mission to the ISS we’ve got tons of stuff to transfer, a disco ball to deploy, and a surprising number of quotations from Dan Barry! We’ll also celebrate the video games and websites of the late 1990s. [Click for more..]
Episode 181: STS-88 - A United Dawn (First ISS Flight)
The ISS era is upon us! Let’s learn about Zarya, the first module of the International Space Station, and bring it a buddy: Unity! With a Russian and an American module flying, the ISS will be born. [Click for more..]
Episode 175: STS-89 - The Last of the Mir 7 (Thomas to Mir)
On STS-89 we head up to Mir to retrieve Dave Wolf and drop off Andy Thomas. Along the way we’ll relax by looking at some fish, mind our checklists, and wonder why the airlock hatch is stuck again. [Click for more..]
Episode 171: STS-86 - Does He Stay Or Does He Go Now? (Wolf to Mir)
Dave Wolf didn’t think he was going to Mir for another six months, but when Russia decides Wendy Lawrence is too short, schedules change. Though if Congress has anything to say about it, Wolf might not be going anywhere after all. [Click for more..]
Episode 170: STS-85 - The World’s Biggest Birthday Candles (SPAS, Small Fine Arm)
It’s Kent Rominger’s birthday, so what better way to celebrate than launching into space? Along the way we’ll send CRISTA-SPAS out for one last adventure, try out a Japanese robot arm, take pictures of comets, and try to avoid Blue Screens of Death. [Click for more..]
Episode 166: STS-84 - Where Things Are Bright and Sunny (Linenger/Foale Swap)
On STS-84 we’ll deliver Mike Foale to Mir and bring Jerry Linenger back to Earth. We’ll also wonder how much Elektron really weighs, enjoy the music in the base block, and contemplate the mystical powers of a shouting Marine. [Click for more..]
Episode 161: STS-81 - Space Deli (Linenger to Mir)
On STS-81 we’ll deliver Jerry Linenger to his new orbital home, bring John Blaha back to Earth, throw some meat and cheese around in weightlessness, and try not to get lost in Mir’s darkened twist and turns. [Click for more..]
Episode 159: STS-80 - Space Jam (ORFEUS/WSF/Jammed Hatch)
On STS-80 we’ve got free-flying payloads, troublesome EVAs, a bunch of rats, and a reentry to remember. Strap in for the longest flight of the entire shuttle program! Don’t worry, we’ll step outside for a breath of fresh vacuum. [Click for more..]
Episode 157: STS-79 - Blaha to Go (Lucid/Blaha Mir Swap)
Shannon Lucid has been waiting for her ride home and John Blaha is ready to swap in as America’s next long duration spacefarer. We’ll also fix our SRBs, try to heat up some metal, and enjoy some barbecue in Atlantis. [Click for more..]
Episode 152: STS-76 - Mirwalking (MEEP, Lucid to Mir)
On STS-76 the space shuttle finally shuttles someone to space, delivering Shannon Lucid to Mir. We’ll also goof off in the SPACEHAB tunnel, head outside, and have fun saying the word “MEEP”. [Click for more..]
Episode 149: STS-72 - Endeavour’s Hitchhiker (SFU, OAST-Flyer)
On STS-72 we’re going to deploy one spacecraft but retrieve two! We’ll also test out some new EVA techniques, bid farewell to a frequent flyer, and spin Koichi Wakata around until he stops smiling. [Click for more..]
Episode 148: STS-74 - Putting out the Welcome Mat (Mir Docking Module)
We’ve docked at Mir before, but moving the Kristall module around is such a hassle. What if we could just make it a little longer so the shuttle could dock with it in its usual location? [Click for more..]
Episode 143: STS-71 - Reunion (First Shuttle-Mir Docking)
Twenty years after the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, four years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and around a hundred days after the launch of Norm Thagard, it’s time to finally see a space shuttle dock with Mir. [Click for more..]
Episode 141: STS-63 - Near Mir
After all this talk about the Russian space station Mir, how about we take a close up look for ourselves? A REALLY close look. Space Shuttle Discovery won’t be the first Shuttle to dock with Mir, but it’ll come close! [Click for more..]
Episode 140: STS-66 - Ascending with Atlantis (ATLAS-3)
On STS-66 we welcome Atlantis back from its long maintenance period, further probe the upper atmosphere, test out a new rendezvous technique, and discover what is perhaps the worst payload name of all time. [Click for more..]
Episode 138: STS-64 - Ghostbusters and Angry Russians (LITE, SPARTAN, SAFER)
Space Shuttle Discovery is all loaded up with a grab bag of shuttle program favorites. Rendezvous, tech demonstrations, even an untethered EVA! Just be careful for the ghosts in the bathroom. [Click for more..]
Episode 133: STS-61 - Closing the Door on Spherical Aberration (HST Servicing 1)
The Hubble Space Telescope is in trouble. With the fate of the orbiting observatory, and maybe NASA itself, on the line, can the crew of STS-61 save the day? We’ll ride along in the latest episode of The Space Above Us. [Click for more..]