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The Space Above Us The Space Above Us


Episode 159: STS-80 - Space Jam (ORFEUS/WSF/Jammed Hatch)
On STS-80 we’ve got free-flying payloads, troublesome EVAs, a bunch of rats, and a reentry to remember. Strap in for the longest flight of the entire shuttle program! Don’t worry, we’ll step outside for a breath of fresh vacuum. [Click for more..]
Episode 158: NASA-3 - Blaha Blast (Blaha on Mir)
John Blaha will stay on Mir for four months and will encounter unexpected bubbles, limited communications, fourteen hour days, and the first ever NASA in-space handover. Let’s just hope his sanity survives the next few months. [Click for more..]
Episode 157: STS-79 - Blaha to Go (Lucid/Blaha Mir Swap)
Shannon Lucid has been waiting for her ride home and John Blaha is ready to swap in as America’s next long duration spacefarer. We’ll also fix our SRBs, try to heat up some metal, and enjoy some barbecue in Atlantis. [Click for more..]
Episode 156: STS-78 - International Space.. Shuttle (LMS)
On STS-78 we’ve got a bunch of materials science, a bunch of muscles to study, and a bunch of wake-up songs to roll our eyes at. Let’s just hope we have enough fuel to make it to orbit in the first place! [Click for more..]
Episode 155: STS-77 - Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tube Satellite (IAE, PAMS, SPACEHAB)
On STS-77 we’ve got some experimental technology to try out that if nothing else lead to some pretty wild visuals. We’ll also get some work done on SPACEHAB and wonder why Marc Garneau loves hanging out with Australians so much. [Click for more..]
Episode 154: Dan Tani Interview 2: Life as a Newbie Astronaut
During the previous episode, NASA introduced its largest ever astronaut class. Let’s hear about what life as a newbie astronaut is like from someone who was there: Dan Tani! Buckle up because this interview is over an hour long! [Click for more..]
Episode 153: NASA-2 - M&Ms and Russian Friends (Lucid on Mir)
Shannon Lucid is ready to spend 4 months on Mir! Or is it 6? We’ll learn the quirks of the Russian training system, the hazards of old Soviet batteries, and the value of Jell-O. [Click for more..]
Episode 152: STS-76 - Mirwalking (MEEP, Lucid to Mir)
On STS-76 the space shuttle finally shuttles someone to space, delivering Shannon Lucid to Mir. We’ll also goof off in the SPACEHAB tunnel, head outside, and have fun saying the word “MEEP”. [Click for more..]
Episode 151: STS-75 - Tethers in Space are a Snap! (TSS-1R)
On STS-75 we’ll take another try at the Tethered Satellite System. It didn’t work so great on STS-46, but with much of the same crew and it should be a snap. [Click for more..]
Episode 149: STS-72 - Endeavour’s Hitchhiker (SFU, OAST-Flyer)
On STS-72 we’re going to deploy one spacecraft but retrieve two! We’ll also test out some new EVA techniques, bid farewell to a frequent flyer, and spin Koichi Wakata around until he stops smiling. [Click for more..]
Episode 148: STS-74 - Putting out the Welcome Mat (Mir Docking Module)
We’ve docked at Mir before, but moving the Kristall module around is such a hassle. What if we could just make it a little longer so the shuttle could dock with it in its usual location? [Click for more..]