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STS-103 - Update #6 - Now we're rolling

Every time I write an episode there is a supremely satisfying moment where I hit a tipping point and suddenly I not only know I’ve got the plan for the episode, I know exactly how I want to approach it, I just need to write it out. I constantly refer to my notes, but at this point of the process I tend to have the mission so loaded into my brain taht I just sort of sit down and bang out most of the script in a single sitting. As I write this update, I’m taking a quick break from one of those writing sessions, having banged out all the background and buildup to the launch in around an hour and a half.

Next, I actually need to slow down my momentum a bit or I’m going to be setting myself up for trouble later. I neglected to build out the detailed outline this time since I was eager to get writing once I finished the reading. But whenever I do that I invariably discover things I forgot to include. If I’m lucky, I discover this before finishing the script. If I’m unlucky I discover it after the episode is published. So since the concept of being on time is now a distant memory, I’m going to slow down a bit and do this right.

Anyone who’s made it this far knows better than to listen to my schedule predictions, but I would bet that the episode will be ready by early next week.