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The Space Above Us The Space Above Us

LBNP (Lower Body Negative Pressure)

Episode 177: STS-90 - Of Mice and Medicine (Neurolab)
On STS-90 we’ve got dozens of nervous system experiments to get through, we’ll play some catch, take a whirl in the crazy chair, and we’ll wonder where NASA got 2000 crickets. [Click for more..]
Episode 137: STS-65 - The Flight of IML-Man (IML-2)
Space Shuttle Columbia is flying for the 17th time, carrying the International Microgravity Laboratory 2 payload. With fish, newts, and bubbles, it sounds more like a witch’s brew than an advanced research laboratory. [Click for more..]
Episode 133: STS-62 - Two for One Special (USMP-2)
Space Shuttle Columbia has been packed full of so many experiments you might think there are two different payloads back there.. and you’d be right! Let’s learn about fake-metal dendrites, how to stop the orbiter from glowing, and why the NASA ground crews think Pierre Thuot smells like garbage. [Click for more..]